We adapt to production.
Introducing two all-digital innovations for a new era of production.
CASHétPay for AP
CASHétPay lets you control and release your AP payments and get paid for it. One simple-to-use system:
eliminates touching and routing paper
creates secure, 100%-digital approval of your AP
maintains your existing AP workflow
introduces zero hard costs to your production and…
can increase your CASHét rebate by 4-5x!
To learn more about CASHétPay,
click here or contact us.
CASHét PCE/Digital Approval (PCEDA) is a dynamic, 100%-digital approval system for processing CASHét P-card envelopes:
eliminates hard-copy receipts & top sheets
mimics your current production/studio approval flow
adapts to changing approval-flow needs
is safe and convenient
is baked into the CASHét portal for no extra fee
To learn more about CASHét PCEDA,
contact us for a demo.
Production Credit Card
Credit cards with custom profiles, admin oversight with granular controls, the CASHét MasterCard® is the only tool needed to get productions up and running. With profiles designed to prevent abuse, Fraud Alert Texts to confirm transactions, and a cash rebate for every dollar spent using the CASHét card, it’s no wonder that both crew and accountants ask for CASHét by name.
Production Travel Card
The CASHét Portal provides travel booking specifics with the click of a mouse, making reconciliation a breeze. Dedicating a CASHét MasterCard® to your production’s travel needs maximizes your rebate while helping prevent fraud. Our service is flexible, with physical or virtual credit cards, and highly detailed travel reports, and access to these reports can be limited to select clerks.
Create a virtual card specifically tailored to one transaction or set defined parameters for billing and rebilling. Establish a dedicated ePay account or manage your “vCards” within your pCard account. CASHét’s epayment options are an incredibly convenient and efficient way to pay for crew hotel stays, make large orders from online suppliers, or make fast purchases when it’s time to shoot.
Custom Training
CASHét was designed by accountants for accountants – but that doesn’t mean it isn’t user friendly for cardholders and others! Personal training, step-by-step one-sheets, real-time client assistance, plus after-hours cardholder support are just part of our ongoing commitment to training and client services.
CASHét Mobile App
The CASHét Mobile App lets cardholders check balances, upload receipts, and temporarily block their own cards on the fly. At the same time, it allows an authorized administrator an overview of all cards on the account, along with available balances—and the ability override-block any card on the account for security. All from an Apple or Android device.