– [PCEDA] –
How to approve an envelope without touching it.
CASHét PCard Envelope Digital Approval (PCEDA) is a dynamic, 100%-digital approval system for processing CASHét P-card envelopes.
Not only does PCEDA eliminate hard-copy receipts & top sheets, it also mimics your current production/studio approval flow—and can be adapted to changing approval-flow needs.
Once you give the go-ahead, CASHét’s PCEDA team works with you to set up your desired approval matrix, then trains your team in best practices. And of course, we make any ongoing requested adjustments as needed—so important in this time of constant and rapid change.
Best yet, all of this safety and convenience is available at no extra charge. It’s part of CASHét’s ongoing commitment to providing best-in-class service and technology to our clients.
Step-by-step instructions on the PC envelope finalization and approval process for department heads.